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New “Utility Knife & Box Cutter Safety” course in Mobility Format Now Available


Our new high demand course, “Utility Knife & Box Cutter Safety” course is now available in all InFuse courses suites. This course is designed to promote awareness about the dangers of these tools and how to properly use them to reduce or eliminate injuries and lost time.


Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Policy


ISee attached PDF of the Sexual Harassment Policy suitable for Ontario Bill 132 requirements and all Canadian jurisdictions.



New PPE Course in Mobility Format Now Available


Personal Protective Equipment mobility course is now available and included in all three of our suites.


Ontario Bill 132 – Amendment to the OHSA regarding Workplace Sexual Harassment


Bill 132 amends various existing statutes with respect to sexual violence, sexual harassment and domestic violence. For employers, Bill 132 presents important workplace-related changes, by amending the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to require employers to implement specific workplace harassment policies and programs and ensure that incidents and complaints of workplace harassment are appropriately investigated.


Ontario employers will need to instruct their personnel on these changes and create and implement new policies and procedures. These measures must be in place by September 8, 2016.


See attached PDF of Ontario Bill 132 and scroll to Section 4


Ontario Bill 132 – Amendment to the OHSA regarding Workplace Sexual Harassment


WHMIS 2015 is now Law and WebWSIT’s New “WHMIS 2015 & the GHS” is available to assign to your employees.

WHMIS 2015 & the GHS will work in conjunction with the “old” WHMIS (1988) until the latter is completely phased out December 1, 2018. It replaces our “GHS Awareness” course.

The phase in starts with manufacturers, importers and suppliers of hazardous products who must comply with labelling and Safety Data Sheet requirements. Employee training follows depending on the arrival of WHMIS 2015 products up to December 1, 2018.

You should ensure your personnel are familiar with WHMIS 2015 in case products arrive at your door with their new classifications, labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).

See the attached link for timetable details.



Mandatory Health & Safety Awareness Training for ALL Ontario Workers & Supervisors IN EFFECT!

Notice: The Mandatory Health & Safety Awareness Training requirement of the Ontario Ministry of Labour is now in effect Under Regulation 297/13. Training must have been completed by July 1, 2014.


As a recommendation under Ontario Bill 160, Mandatory Health & Safety Training is to be enacted and ALL Ontario employees will need to have completed the required training by July 1, 2014. At that time MOL Inspectors started enforcing the legislation.


There is a requirement for both workers and supervisors, each with a separate course, with the objective of educating about the legal responsibilities of employers, supervisors and workers. In addition, with workers garnering a better understanding of their “Right to Know” about hazards in their workplace, their “Right to Refuse” unsafe work and their “Right to Participate” in the health & safety programs at work, a safer workplace will result with a cooperative environment that fosters safe work practices and procedures.


InFuse offers the “Mandatory Worker Training” and “Supervisor Training” as part of its courses suite at no additional charge.”




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